Czech Republic– Tomáš Payer, Kino Scala (Brno)

CZ - Tomáš Payer Czech Republic - Tomáš Payer

Cinema for me is…

Tomáš in 11 frames

1. What film made you fall in love with cinema?
No doubt, it’s American Beauty (Sam Mendes, US, 1999)

2. What are the 3 best European films you have seen in the last year?
Mostly older ones :
Grave (Julia Ducournau, FR, 2016)
Festen (Thomas Vinterberg, DK, 1997)

And one contemporary gem :
Aftersun (Charlotte Wells, GB, 2022)

3. What does Europe mean to you?

4. In 2024, I think it is important to vote in the European elections because:
It’s a shame not to, as we are part of it.

5. What do you like the most about your country that makes it unique? 
Being the perfect midpoint. Of everything. And of course our sense of humour. It’s forged in our DNA somehow.

6. Your favorite film theatre? What do you like about it? 
Kino Drahomíra Karlovy Vary <3 It just has that charm of small poetry and jazz packed punk-y cinema.

7.  What is your dream job in the film industry?
I don’t think I have one. I dream about a job in the creative direction of a big film festival, while still chasing those dreams of making my own film.

8. Which film director would you like to be? 
I would love to be Wes Anderson (The Grand Budapest Hotel, The French Dispatch, …), just adjusting perfect compositions all-day long.

9. Which film character do you most identify with? 
Lee Jong-su from Burning (Chang-Dong Lee, KR, 2018). He seems to just drift aimlessly through life. It makes me feel peaceful.

10. Your favorite soundtrack or song? 
Every single tone of Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, US, 1982). Vangelis was a pure genius.

11. If you had to live in a movie, which one would you like it to be? 
Shrek. I mean, who wouldn’t want to live in the same universe as Shrek and Donkey?

Tomáš Payer is the Ambassador of Kino Scala. Find out more about the cinema here.

Czech Republic – Kino Scala (Brno)